Certified Digital Transformation Specialist
The certification accredits the knowledge of professionals on the basic and relevant aspects to implement a digital transformation strategy, under a comprehensive approach and strategic perspective, covering in a general way the various disciplines, practices, methodologies, methods, etc., whose use facilitates the deployment of a digital transformation strategy and that set the current trend for its application in businesses that have undertaken various successful initiatives.
Formally accredit the knowledge of the domains and management of practices, methodologies and technologies relevant to the implementation of a Digital Transformation strategy in the organization and its subsequent leadership.
Directed to
Managers or Heads of any type of companies committed to the leadership of their areas or the company, within a dynamic and digital transformation approach.
Main Topics
Understanding and impact of digital transformation
- Relevant definitions
- What is and what is not Digital Transformation?
- Customers as the center of the change process.
- Innovation as an accelerator of change.
Cultural change processes
- Change management in companies
- Consumer experience as a driver of the digital transformation process.
- Transformation-oriented culture.
- Experimentation for change.
- Design of a digital transformation process.
- Relevant roles in the process.
Management for digital transformation
- Governance and management
- Digital transformation processes.
- New business models in the digital era.
- Connection process.
- User experience.
Disruptive technologies
- Understand the technologies that apply to a business model.
- Orient the organization towards technological disruption.
- Understanding of new technologies:
- Artificial Intelligence – generative
- Blockchain
- Cybersecurity
- IoT
- Data
Exam duration:
60 minutes
Number of questions in the exam:
Exam style:
Multiple choice
Passing score:
80% - 32 correct questions
There is no
Use of supporting resources:
Not authorized
Second option:
Exam languages:
Spanish - English
Exam level:
Certification validity:
4 years
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